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58036 Saxon Red & Cream Coaches (2).jpg

 Please read the introduction in Module 17 if you have not already done so.




This is not a name that is likely to spring instantly to mind when considering sources of large-scale Passenger Cars. Nevertheless their range of European style passenger and freight rolling stock merits attention if only on account of their attractive prices which are a fraction of those charged by other major manufacturers for similar products.


Admittedly the quality of assembly can sometimes leave something to be desired but has improved over the years and if you are into "kit-bashing' this could be just what you are looking for. As you might expect Shantou Newqida are a Chinese toy manufacturer based in Guangdong but don't let this put you off. They have been trading for a number of years and produce a range of inexpensive model trains loosely based on European prototypes including a R/C Locomotive (I would not advise buying this unless the quality has improved dramatically - 2 out of 4 I acquired as stock proved to be faulty which are not good odds), Passenger Cars, Tank Cars, Gondolas, and even plastic track, etc. under the brand identity of "Train". 

The passenger cars are all approx. 580mm in length, unlit, but incorporate a surprising amount of detail for the price point including internal seating, glazed windows, enclosed end platforms with movable gates, some moveable parts.

Whilst it used to be possible to deal direct with the company (I participated in a joint venture volume purchase with a model railway club in the Netherlands quite a few years ago) there is currently no indication on their website of any production runs and they were approx. 6 weeks late in delivering the product we ordered citing "not having the right paint".


Far better, I would suggest is to source them from an intermediary and reduce the risk. Unfortunately I no longer sell these cars but they are available from Hammond Toys,  based in Salt Lake City, Utah. This family firm have been in business for over 50 years and I have always found them most helpful.


Alternatively, and much nearer to home, East Coast Railway (ECR) carry a limited range of carriages in 3 basic colours (Red, Green and Blue) which can be found on eBay at around £30 each which is good value for money.

In Germany you will also find Zenner Gartenbahn (I understand that the owner may have had some involvement in designing the roof on the HSB coaches and/or graphics on the Tank Car) who carry out a major quality check on the imported Newqida products before upgrading the cars with metal wheels, repaints, etc. naturally there is a price to be paid for their expertise and current selling prices run from around €74 - €99.


On balance I would recommend Hammond as the prices are very reasonable ($29.99 per coach currently) and they carry a much wider range of liveries including two-tone versions. A case of 4 cars at only $99.99 is even better value although remember to allow for the shipping charges, 20% VAT and handling charges in the UK or Mainland Europe.



For Zenner Passenger Cars please use the following link to the website  :  

If you have not seen the Newqida Passengers before you may be interested in the following YouTube videos which I have selected as being representational. They are very popular for kitbashing. The first video shows the popular newqida HSB Coaches being pulled by an LGB engine courtesy of Mike Skorpion.

This next contribution is from Rx224:

This nightime scene of lit newqida HSB passenger cars was uploaded by Mike Skorpion:

Mike Skorpion also supplied this video clip of the two-tone Fichtelbergbahn Passenger Cars running on his layout:

Red TB Cars in Snow.JPG
Railway Tracks

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